Crystals & Chakras

Looking for particular crystals to assist in cleansing your chakras?
Here you'll find a quick guide to healing crystals!

Root Chakra/Muladhara - Responsible for making us feel safe, stable and grounded.

- Black Obsidian
- Red Jasper
- Black Tourmaline
- Garnet
- Smoky Quartz

    Sacral Chakra/Svadhisthana - Responsible for joy, pleasure, sexual energy, creativity.

    - Carnelian
    - Orange Calcite
    - Peach Satin Spar/Selenite
    - Yellow Topaz
    - Peach Moonstone

      Solar Plexus Chakra/Manipura - Responsible for our personal power, self-confidence, intellect.

      - Yellow Topaz
      - Citrine
      - Yellow Jasper
      - Yellow Jade
      - Tiger's Eye

        Heart Chakra/Anahata - Responsible for love, compassion, connection.

        - Malachite
        - Rose Quartz
        - Amazonite
        - Green Aventurine

          Throat Chakra/Vishuddha - Responsible for communication, expression, living in truth.

          - Aquamarine
          - Blue Lace Agate
          - Blue Topaz
          - Angelite

            Third Eye Chakra/Ajna - Responsible for spiritual awareness, clarity, intuition, inner wisdom.

            - Blue Apatite
            - Sodalite
            - Azurite
            - Purple/blue Fluorite

              Crown Shakra/Sahasrara - Responsible for enlightenment, sense of purpose, satisfaction, spiritual wellbeing.

              - Amethyst
              - Clear Quartz
              - Labradorite
              - Satin Spar/Selenite